Book Review: The King in Orange by John Michael Greer

I am not often moved to tell people about a book I read, but I am making an exception with The King in Orange: The Magical and Occult Roots of Political Power by John Michael Greer, because it covers virtually everything I have been thinking about for the past decade.

Nice and short (barely 200 pages) this is the place to turn if you what to understand the strange world that we now live in. Politics, power and the world at large cannot be grasped by standard means…

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Spiritual Excellence

We live in a society that is increasingly devoid of excellence, a period of history where high standards (or sometimes any standards at all) seem to have gone AWOL.

This is partly because excellence is hard, partly because people who cannot do it are jealous of those who can, but also because excellence is discouraged, made to sound off-putting by those who seek to wield power over us. The lowering of standards – be they of education, morality, discipline, speech, culture or appearance – is, according to some, merely one link in the ongoing demoralisation strategy well explained by Yuri Bezmenov

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Spiritual Teachers of Hollywood

Will Smith. Amber Heard. Johnny Depp. These are not names that spiritually inclined people usually give much attention to. But perhaps we ought to take more notice, because people who live out their personal dramas for all the world to see are, whether they know it or not, spiritual teachers. As my late teacher Arthur used to say, “other people are there for us to learn from.” The same energy is at play if you witness a multi-car pile-up on the motorway. You can feel sorrow and empathy for the victims, be shocked at or transfixed by the sight, annoyed at the traffic jam or you can vow to change your behaviour so that such a disaster will never befall you.

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Smile, it is the Kali Yuga!

Let us be real and acknowledge the obvious, that the world is in trouble, and no-one is coming to save us any time soon. This is because it is the Kali Yuga.

The Kali Yuga is the Hindu term for the Dark Age in which we currently live. It revolves around the deep truth that time is not linear, but cyclical, which means that history is not a story of improvement toward new and better things, but simply the constant repetition of old things in new guises.

According to some Hindu sacred texts life moves through four ages, each one less spiritual and more corrupt than before. This transition takes place over thousands (some say millions) of years, until the final age, the worst of all, is reached – the Kali Yuga. This is the age we are in now. Some say that….

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Putin, Ukraine and the West: Behind the Mask

Watching clips of the unfolding events in Ukraine takes me back to 1991 and the First Gulf War. I worked at a local printing company as a young backroom assistant to the paper buyer. Every day seemed to revolve around discussion of the war. Sales reps would come in excited about the latest gossipy update they had heard from a ‘reliable source.’ The big boss would thunder through the office triumphally proclaiming massive orders of printed stationery from the RAF (war generates a lot of paperwork, who knew?) And every morning my immediate boss would stagger in bleary eyed after another all-nighter of CNN’s live coverage from Kuwait. I found it all a bit tedious, and quickly concluded that men not only love war, but seek it. Fast forward three decades and very little seems to have changed.

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As we home in on two important dates – the USA Pluto Return on 20/2/2022 and the Terrible Twos on 22/2/2022 - I thought I would try to provide some clarity about what is going on in the world.

If you were born in the West in the twentieth century then you arrived into a society ruled by the number 1.

Pick a year - 1994, 1972, 1961, 1945, 1933 – all the years of the twentieth century began with a 1, but they also began with 19, and 1 + 9 = 10 = 1. 1 was the energy of the masculine, the element Fire, of pioneering innovation and invention, but also of short sightedness and selfishness. 1 = Me. 1 = The Magician in the Tarot.

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Problems with The New Age

I hope you have been hard at work stripping yourself of any lingering illusions about the state of the world. I certainly have been, and while much of what I uncovered is reserved for future writings, there is something I have recently come to a much stronger realisation about – the New Age. Now, those of you who used to follow me on Facebook (before I left it in disgust in 2016) may remember that I used to write an occasional series called Problems with the New Age. Well, here is a reboot of that.

First, what precisely is the New Age?

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A God called FANG

It should be clear by now that the 21st century is going to be a time of immense change and disruption. Some will see this as a good thing, but others not so much. Plus, there will be a load of people who just will not care either way.

The 22 years of this century have so far brought us 9/11, the Financial Crisis, Isis, Brexit, Trump, and Corona. All this is disruption enough, but none of these things have altered the world as much as the advance of technology. In fact, technology facilitated all those things…

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Sameness is the problem. Uniqueness is the cure.

Uniqueness is the reason Coronavirus affects people differently; why one person feels crap for two days before bouncing back, while another gets put on a respirator. Everyone is different.

Uniqueness is the reason for vaccine side effects. Give two people the same dose of the same vaccine in the same place at the same time and one will skip out of the room and the other will be carried out in a trolley. Everyone is different. And denial of uniqueness is the reason side effects are under-reported. People who do not understand human uniqueness, who think we are all just blades of grass, cannot grasp how Dave reacts one way while Steve reacts another.

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I finally realised...

I finally realised. The other day, in a flash of light, I finally understood what spirituality was really all about.

Spirituality is not just about love, light and peace. It is about rebellion. At its core spirituality requires that you reject earthly authority.

You cannot claim to be spiritual if you comply with anything that runs counter to your conscience. In short, if you do as you are told by those in earthly power then you aren’t following God, you are giving way to fear. And compliance is the exact opposite of spirituality.

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666: Some Clues about the Number of the Beast

I have resisted writing this for quite some time, mainly because each time I try I am overwhelmed with the sense of having done it before. Eventually I discovered (remembered?) that I did indeed, during at least one past life, spend many hours in cloistered libraries examining the numerology of biblical scripture. So, I do not want to do that again! However, as it has been many centuries, I suppose it will not hurt to revisit the topic, just this once!

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Aquarian Politics, Wokeness and The Slide into Authoritarianism

On reading this title you might say that you are not interested in politics and just want to learn about spirituality. Me too! But spirituality has been made political to such an extent that you can read an innocent sounding book or attend a perfectly ordinary course entitled something like Spirituality 101: A Beginners Guide and without knowing it be thrust head long into the world of politics.

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Location. Location. Location

Once upon a time the questions most frequently asked of me during readings and consultations were “does he love me?” and “is he coming back to me?”

Then, as the years passed, the questions became more about work and career. Relationships still figure high on peoples list of concerns, but not anywhere to the degree they used to. A shift has occurred, perhaps in me, certainly in the people I meet.

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It’s a NO from me

Once upon a time heated debates were mostly conducted within the framework of “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” For the longest time these words (incorrectly attributed to the 18th century French philosopher Voltaire) remained solid at the heart of Western ideas about liberalism and openness.

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Beyond The Great Reset

The problem with conspiracy theories is that even when they are right, they are often also wrong. For example, one of the fatal flaws among modern conspiracy theorists is to attribute destructive activity exclusively to non-human lizards who masquerade as people. The trouble is that this ignores the very real evil done by ordinary, tax-paying, supermarket shopping people.

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Faith. Or Fear

Fear is now rife in our world. Even so-called sensible people are infected by it (which perhaps suggests they were not that sensible in the first place). Fear of catching the Rona, fear of getting the jab, of not getting the jab, of the jabbed, of the unjabbed, of the consequences of doing this, saying that or hearing the other. Fear is one nil up and the game seems like it is in the closing minutes.

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