What is the Soul?

My forthcoming book SOUL STRONG makes crystal clear what the Soul is and demonstrates how it influences all of life on Earth.

But the topic is rather hard, because when three or more people gather to discuss what the Soul is, all shall mistakenly believe that they share a common idea. So perhaps we should begin by stating what the Soul is not….

The Soul is not the Body, the Mind or the Feelings. It is the part of us that is beyond thoughts and emotions and far beyond the movements or animal scratchings of the body.

Development of the Soul is the work of raising consciousness, so that we may be able to see the world unaffected by thoughts, feelings or bodily needs.

A difficult task? Certainly yes, and one fraught with opportunities for delusion.

To start with, the world we inhabit is not a Soul driven place. It is a world driven increasingly hard by the Body-Mind-Feelings, at the expense of the Soul, where physicality and appearance are worshipped, and people increasingly over-identify with their emotions and their mind.

Some spiritual practices teach that that way to overcome the denseness of the Body-Mind-Feelings is simply to turn within. Theoretically this is the way, yet it too easily leads to spiritual bypassing where we avoid looking at harsh truths about ourselves and the world, preferring instead unicorns and rainbows. Discovering the Soul is not about denying the Body-Mind-Feelings but integrating and transcending them…

We live in a world that has been formed by thoughts, but that is now drowning in feelings. But neither the Body, Mind nor Feelings are the Soul. They are not where higher consciousness is found and they are not God.

To speak in a New Age style for a moment, the Body-Mind-Feelings represent consciousness in three dimensions, while when we operate those faculties in Time then we are in the fourth dimension. If we can subordinate all these things to the Soul then, and only then, can we say that we are in 5D consciousness.

This is because the Soul is where it is at. Not the Body, the Mind, or the Feelings.

The Soul has been studied, examined, embraced and denied throughout human history, but the work is far from complete. Science is having none of this of course, because the Soul cannot be measured or independently verified. Yet, it exists, calling into forth all other things.

Our Soul is what determines the condition of our own life, and that of the collective (The World Soul) as well as the condition of our society and our planet.

“The Soul… stirs into movement everything in the heavens and on earth and in the sea.”

Socrates (The Laws, by Plato)

But once again, the condition of the Soul has got nothing to do with how we feel or what we think. Therefore, the much-vaunted idea of resonance – going with what one feels to be true – has its limits. For all matters of the Soul we have to go far, far deeper…

It is said (see last times blog 😊) that the Soul is contacted primarily through the breath, and that the slowing and deepening of the breath is what enables our consciousness to remember its Soul, so that the Soul can regain control over its Body-Mind-Feelings.

But the Body-Mind-Feelings are opposed to all Soul-based work. The Mind is a block to the development of the Soul because the Mind gets too easily involved with beliefs which restrict the Souls growth. Some mistakenly believe that it is just a matter of swapping limiting beliefs for empowering beliefs, missing the point that ALL BELIEFS ARE LIMITING….

The Feelings are increasingly becoming a barrier to development of the Soul because the Soul is not motivated by happiness, ease, joy or comfort. Yes, you read that right, the Soul – our essence, our true self – is just as unfazed by sorrow and misery as it is by happiness and joy. Neither of these things are its language, they are things of the Body-Mind-Feelings only. The Soul is interested in far bigger and more important things like growth, learning and evolution. Our society’s current obsession with Feelings is merely an intermediate developmental stage on the road to realising that there is only one thing which really improves life, and that is learning. Learning, growth and evolution is what the Soul wants and, as will become increasingly obvious in the years to come, that is what it will get.

In most people the Soul is weaker than the Body-Mind-Feelings because what we feed, grows. But the Soul is potentially great, so much stronger and more capable than the low-dimensional Body-Mind-Feelings. And after centuries of neglect the Soul is making a comeback, busy inside each one of us, preparing to take back its rightful position at the head of the Body-Mind-Feelings. Everyone has a part to play in this great endeavour, and my forthcoming book, alongside all that flows from it, is my contribution.

We have been lied to, and profoundly misled. It is not the patriarchy, or white supremacy, or capitalist greed that has driven society into the ditch. It is the Body-Mind-Feelings, the human animal devoid of conscience, meaning or purpose, who is responsible. Wherever the Soul is denied there is misery and oppression. Wherever the Soul is subdued there is falsehood and deceit. ALL THE PROBLEMS of our world stem from the neglect of the Soul, and only by reconnecting with our Soul and by reinstating it as sovereign can things improve.

SOUL STRONG, explaining how each person may achieve this task in their own unique way, with the aid of numerology, tarot, magic, ancient philosophy and an old (new) spirituality, will be out soon.

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash