What I Know For Sure...

The older I get the more I see that those who know little think they know much, but those who know much are conscious of how little they know. In the grand scheme of things I know that I know nothing… but here are some things I am pretty confident about.

Every soul is unique, incarnating into a unique physical body, set on a path of unique experiences and responses. No two people are alike and the differences between people are greater than most are willing to admit. In such a world, equality, either of outcome or opportunity is not possible.

Numbers are the source code of the Universe. Professional genius mathematicians are working their way around to this reality. Numerologists already know it.

Human capacity for evil is enormous. Few want to recognise this, yet it is the story of our existence. As such the world is, and almost always was, ruled by evil forces.

Human capacity for good is great, but is constrained by our ignorance of evil. Humans are adept at doing evil and calling it good.

Human life is, therefore, precisely as Jesus and the Buddha said, a struggle. Positive thinking is necessary so that we may deal with our struggle better, but it will never make that struggle go away. The foolish look to be released from this struggle. The wise simply seek the strength to bear it.

The struggle is purposeful. Our capacity for evil is an indicator of our fallen and broken nature. But as we struggle through this we meet opportunities for purification and the chance to convert our soul into gold.

If you wish to do anything meaningful or worthwhile with your life then you will be hated. The quest for acclaim, approval and validation is a fools errand that will always end in humiliation.

Being the recipient of hatred and vilification is empowering and clarifying.

It is best to take the plank out of your own eye before trying to remove the splinter in another’s. As aspects of self, other people are there for us to learn from, to learn what to do and more importantly what not to do.

Never, ever, kneel (metaphorically or physically) before another human being. Others may have power which they can use over you, but they have no authority to do so. But to ensure that you don’t anoint yourself Supreme Emperor of the Universe make sure that you do kneel before God.

Fear nothing and no-one. They can bruise you but they can’t break you.

Develop your will power. Many problems begin with the words “I can’t be bothered.'’

Everything and anything is possible within the pattern of your own Destiny and Karma. Anything that you manage to acquire, achieve or manifest outside of this won’t stick and may well cause problems.

Every thought, feeling, response and action has invisible effects on the world around you. If your world is hell it is because you (and others) have made it so.

We should neither worship nor neglect the physical body, which is but one tiny aspect of our whole being.

We must cultivate our mind into a state of equilibrium that is capable of resisting disturbances from the physical world.

Feelings are important and they should not be suppressed. But they are not the ultimate source of wisdom. They can lie, deceive and change very quickly. A life lived purely by emotions will be hell.

All attempts to avoid the aforementioned suffering are doomed to fail. In fact suffering should be welcomed, for emotions are purified by suffering.

Women are not better than men, and in some ways they can be a whole lot worse.

Wisdom is rarely found in the young, and most people don’t learn anything of value until their First Saturn Return (28-29 years old-ish).

The New Age movement was/is a psyop.

It is always a good idea to help others, if you can, but not in order to attain any kind of reward, gratitude, sympathy or sense of worth. If helping others is your identity then you have no identity.

Balance is good, imbalance is evil. A harsh, cold and severe attitude to life is obviously bad. But an excess of mercy and compassion is no better, for it aids and abets evil. Our society is going to have to learn this second lesson the hard way.

God will not do for us what we could do for ourselves. God will not grant fame or riches to those unwilling to work, or health to those unwilling to take care of themselves.

The secret to success (however you define it) is the control of your thoughts. Where your mind goes so goes your energy.

Love is the law. But it’s not the final word. And it doesn’t mean what most people think it means.