Hail Caesar!

In the UK, the election theatre is over, so let The Crisis begin. And begin it soon will because a change of management at the top of the UK government changes absolutely nothing about the fundamental state of the country. But it does act as a powerful relaxant for those who either

(A) still believe that we live in a democracy, or

(B) are so consumed by hate for the Tories that they are prepared to torch the country in order to feel better, or

(C) believe that life for everyone can be improved by giving a narrow subset of ideologically possessed people inordinate amounts of power.

The situation in the UK is particularly absurd because Labour, the new managers of the ongoing decline, although being less popular than they were in 2017 somehow have an enormous amount of power in The House of Commons. Yet they do not have anything like a popular mandate. Somewhere around 65% of the seats in parliament on 37% of the vote, on a 60% turnout? That means somewhere around 80% of the country did not vote for the party which will now rule them unchecked and unopposed. That just isn’t tenable. Some kind of serious upheaval is coming…

In the US the selection of President Joe Biden in 2020 may, or may not, give way to the selection of President Kamala Harris. But if it does then it will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that racism and sexism really are the preserve of the stupid when she quickly demonstrates that it is possible for a woman and an ethnic minority to screw things up just as well as an old white guy. Yay for diversity! It proves they are all idiots!

France, on the other hand, struggles to contain the ‘far-right’, a demon conjured up by the wily old fox Francois Mitterand in the 1980’s in order to divide the right and secure a second term in the Elysee Palace. Let’s get it straight: Marine Le Pen is not ‘far-right’ and nor is Nigel Farage, but what comes after them will be. I’ll deal with that another day…

Then we have the not-quite-collapse-hanging-on-by-the-fingernails of the party of Nelson Mandela, the ANC, in South Africa. Then we have the changes-which-aren’t really-changes in India, the ‘swing to the right’ in the Netherlands, the ‘swing to the centre’ in Poland, no change at the head of the parliament-that-is not-quite-a-parliament in the EU, plus many, many other electoral changes, including a new, fresh faced female President of Iceland. 2024 is indeed The Year of Power (2+0+2+4 = 8), with half the world going to the polls in one form or another.

The trouble with all these electoral shenanigans, whilst alternately entertaining and frustrating, is that they change nothing fundamental, because in every single case Caesar still wins.

I don’t mean that the whole thing is pointless, because there are certainly people that will do a better job than others, because there are always Good Caesars who build and Bad Caesars who destroy. But none of them - repeat NONE OF THEM - know what the real problems are. In the UK I’ve tried to tell them but I wasn’t successful…

They don’t know what the real problems are because the real problems are not in Caesar’s Domain. Let’s get esoteric for a moment. Human beings are creatures of the ELEMENTS, run by a program whose source code is NUMBERS. This is not to suggest that we aren’t flesh and blood and that we don’t have agency. We are and we do. But changes of government change nothing about human nature, a nature which is flawed and broken.

Apocryphal Christianity might provide some illumination. From The Life of Adam and Eve (probably 3rd-5th century AD, but maybe earlier):

“It must also be known that God made and formed Adam in that place where Jesus was born, that is, in the city of Bethlehem, which is in the center of the earth. There Adam was made from the four corners of the earth, when angels brought some of the dust of the earth from its parts, viz. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. This earth was white and pure like the sun and it was gathered together from the four rivers, that is, the Geon, Phison, Tigris, and Euphrates. Man was made in the image of God, and he blew into his face the breath of life, which is the soul. For just as he was gathered from the four rivers, thus from the four winds he received his breath.”

This 4-ness is encoded everywhere in ordinary life as well as in a wide array of mystical, spiritual and occult practices. Earth, Air, Fire and Water are not some remnants of medieval backwardness, they are the very structure of our DNA. (FAQ No. 364: what about the Chinese Five Element system? Answer - it’s not correct.)

The Life of Adam and Eve also has something to say about numbers,

“It must be known that the body of Adam was formed of eight parts. The first part was of the dust of the earth, from which was made his flesh, and thereby he was sluggish. The next part was of the sea, from which was made his blood, and thereby he was aimless and fleeting. The third part was of the stones of the earth, from which his bones were made, and thereby he was hard and covetous. The fourth part was of the clouds, from which were made his thoughts, and thereby he was immoderate. The fifth part was of the wind, from which was made his breath, and thereby he was fickle. The sixth part was of the sun, from which were made his eyes, and thereby he was handsome and beautiful. The seventh part was of the light of the world, from which he was made pleasing, and thereby he had knowledge. The eight part was of the Holy Spirit, from which was made his soul, and thereby are the bishops, priests, and all the saints and elect of God.”

Humans, in our fundamental form, are elemental beings of 4-ness and numerological beings of 8-ness. A human upgrade occurs (potentially) when humans go, as the great spiritual teachers Madness told us, one step beyond, to embrace 9-ness. 9-ness is essentially concern for others, with the crucial caveat that this must be done without thought of reward.

This missing 9 in the original template is the key to unravelling the whole mystery of the Fall, the consequences of which we now inhabit, where Satan installs successive Caesars to rule over the selfish and the fearful. It is of no importance whatsoever whether Caesar is white or black, male or female, young or old, gay or straight. These things are promoted and highlighted simply in order to divide, because Caesar knows that when you divide you can rule.

The secret of life is simple and universal, but it is only accessible outside the charade of politics. It is to live according to a higher version of selflessness, to live neither for yourself, nor for others, but for God. It is to speak and act according to the Will of God, not according to what you or others, know, desire or fear. This is the only way that humans can resolve the terrible circumstances set up by the Fall and escape from the tyranny of Caesar. Adam thought only of himself and did not watch over or care for Eve. Eve thought only of herself and succumbed to Satan. Whether you believe this creation story as literal or allegorical or just think it’s a load of rubbish is irrelevant, because it points to a basic truth about humans, that so long as our desires and whims are prioritised there will be no peace.

And under the latest British Caesar, which I will call the Starmer Supremacy, there will be no peace, in fact it is likely that would-be-Caesar George Galloway is quite right and that there will in fact be war. We ought not to be surprised about this, for it is our default state.

Election results are the distorted manifestation of human fears and desires, projected upon empty vessels, who are answerable neither to you or I, but to Satan. Specific results are what happens when one group of people are successfully marginalised in favour of another. Historically, in the West, whites and men have secured power because they have successfully marginalised blacks and women, but now the tables have turned. There is nothing inherently good or bad about this, it just is - so long as you know that Satan and Caesar continually divide in order to continually rule. Of course, bad things do occur on the back of division. A matriarchy will be no better than a patriarchy, and Black Supremacy will be just as bad as White Supremacy. And a Labour landslide will be no better than a Tory one. The only difference will be in who rules and who suffers.

Nothing fundamental will change under a Starmer government or a Harris, or Trump, or whoever Presidency. All that is happening, in each case, is the arrival of a New Caesar, one that you may hope will be more interested in what you are interested in. There is no ability, let alone desire, for Caesar to make things better for everyone. Because Caesar deals in division they can only make things better (if they are lucky) for their supporters. Not only can everyone else go to hell, everyone must go to hell, because they are the enemy. You may not think like this, but the powerful do. It’s how they became powerful in the first place.

So let’s not have any of this nonsense about the UK (or US or anywhere else) waking up to a brighter dawn. Labour have gained power, but on such a low turnout with such a disparity between votes and seats to make their rule almost morally illegitimate. Even if you don’t go that far then the election of Keir Starmer is good for you only if your values and priorities align with his, and it is terrible for you if they don’t. The installation of Kamala Harris, or the eventual election of Donald Trump or anyone else, is good for you if your goals are their goals, and it is terrible for you if they aren’t. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked. And this is how it will always work, so long as Caesar rules.

Caesar rules through division. Conflict and argument are not bugs in our political system, they are essential features, part of the code that Caesar needs in order to rule. And when he or she does rule their number one priority, if they want to continue in power, is to destroy the enemy. In the old days this was done through violence, now it is done through gaslighting, discrediting, scandals and propaganda. Some Caesars are better at this than others, but all of them do it.

All Caesars have handmaidens in business, academia and the media who run cover for them in the hope of preferential treatment under the New Regime. One feature of this UK general election has been the degree to which the media conspired to (1) not interrogate Labour’s policies and intentions in any serious way, (2) avoid discussion of anything at all that really mattered, (3) whip up the demon of the ‘far-right’ and (4) bang a constant drum-beat of opinion polls saying ‘The Tories are finished, the Tories are finished’. As my Birthday Twin Peter Hitchens says, opinion polls don’t reflect public opinion, they form it.

Kind-hearted and innocent spiritually inclined people often fall at the feet of New Caesars, hook, line and sinker, only for disillusionment to set in later on. The antidote to this is to work hard at cultivating clear-sightedness - to see that in elections most people’s motives are thoroughly selfish.

Try this. Next time you meet someone who is busy in the community, doing ‘good works for other people’ ask them what drives them, what motivates them. You’ll have to get past the platitudes of course, but if you can dig deep enough then most of them will reveal to you that they do what they do for others because it somehow helps them.

“I love helping other people, it gives me such a good feeling.”

“I help others because then I feel like I’m making a difference.”

“I help others because I want them to have the opportunities I had.”

I, I, I. I. Me, Me, Me, Me. For such people it’s not about what the other person needs, it’s about what they themselves can get out it. It may not be intentional, and it may not be conscious, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. I will grant that this isn’t happening everywhere, all the time, but it is happening far more than we think.

All this is particularly true among the New Busybodies, the Cabinet of the New Caesar who now rule over Britain. It is because of this that you can absolutely guarantee that nothing fundamental will improve and many things will get a lot, lot worse, because the fate of this nation will continue to be decided on the basis of what those in power, and their supporters, want for themselves, not what is right for others.

‘Twas ever thus you might say? Indeed, but still too many people accept Caesar’s division of Tories Bad, Labour Good (or in America Republicans Bad, Democrats Good). Please understand that the Starmy Army, who now run the show here in WEF Region 7 (previously known as the UK), would have locked down hard and faster and for longer. They would have mandated vaccines across the board. And when The Crisis and the Unforeseen Event arrives (deliberate capital letters) we will all see the real face of this so-called down-to-earth, caring, tolerant and compassionate New Caesar and I guarantee you won’t like it one bit. Unless of course you stand to benefit from it. But even if you do benefit your joy will be short-lived for, as the New Caesar will shortly find out, this country is rapidly becoming ungovernable, and therefore dangerously unpredictable. The New Caesar will feel the whirlwind the moment he starts doing things he had not previously mentioned, and stops doing things he previously promised. That this will happen is as certain as the fact that the sun will rise in the morning.

There is only one solution to all this, and it’s spiritual, not political.

The Gnostic Gospel of Truth (c. 160AD?) tells us how it is:

“The ignorance of the Father brought about terror and fear. And terror became dense like a fog, that no one was able to see. Because of this, error became strong.”

The Father here is not ‘the patriarchy’. It is not a judgey old man in the sky. It is the Divine, God, The One God from whom the Many Gods and Goddesses spring. The ignorance was not his ignorance but our ignorance of him. This has got nothing to do with the church or the clergy. In fact, in Modern Britain, you should soon expect the Church of England to be effectively destroyed as a meaningful force, probably replaced by Islam, a belief system which hugely benefits Caesar. More on that another time…

What the quote is telling us is that humans make mistakes because they cannot see, and they cannot see because they are scared. They believe that the World of Caesar is all there is so they cling to Caesar for protection in that world, a world which is often harsh and cruel. And they believe all this because they do not know God. And because they do not know God they do not know that Caesar works for Satan.

The voice of the people, in times of elections, is not the Voice of God. It is a fear-cry of a people who Caesar has managed to scare into voting for him. That is all that elections are, and they are nothing more than that.

Caesars come and go. Things get better for some people, then they get worse for those same people when Caesar decides to seek support elsewhere. The wheel turns. We are born, we grow, we age, we die, reborn time and again into the same story, just with new actors and plot lines. It always ends the same way. Meet the New Caesar, same as the Old Caesar, because both are Caesar, not God.

One thing does count though: whatever you can do, selflessly, for others, matters. But voting is rarely a selfless act. It is much more likely to be a plea for protection from the New Caesar, or a blow at the Old Caesar, someone who you believe ‘let you down’.

The beginnings of a path out of Caesar’s Domain are only carved when you start to set your own personal needs aside. To even think about doing this demands that you work hard at discerning what the Divine wishes for you, and get busy doing that, whatever the personal cost. But in order to discern the Will of God you must know yourself and understand how the ELEMENTS form and combine with the NUMBERS in order to produce the unique, divine individual that is you. This is what we study in the Hermitage Hub…

Voting in a failing democracy is not about you, nor is it about others. It is about whether the will of the people bears any relationship to the Will of God. And right now, in Britain and elsewhere, the two things have never been further apart.