Richard Abbot

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Three Wills

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There are Three Wills in action in our world. There is your own will, sometimes known as Free Will. But there is also the Will of Caesar as well as the Divine Will. So that’s You, Caesar and God, fighting it out for supremacy…

But who is Caesar?

Well, Caesar is a just an umbrella term for all forms of institutionalised human power. The President is Caesar, so is the Prime Minister, so is the CEO as well as the captain of the local cricket team. There are many Caesars, they come in all shapes and sizes and operate in many different areas of life, but they all represent an organisation that is trying to tell you what to do. Thankfully though, Caesar, in his quest for total domination, constantly runs up against God’s Will. God here is simply a term for the force that initiates all things outside human control.  

Put more simply then, in almost every situation you have the following choice:

You can do what you like, or

You can do what you are told, or

You can do what you should.

This is the choice between freedom, control and conscience.

I have observed, during my lifetime, the steady erosion of freedom, an increase in control and a neglect of conscience. I have also witnessed the consequences of this, and none of them are good.

An example. I while ago I had cause to drive into London. During my 30 minutes on the M1 Southbound, on a clear day, with no rain and no roadworks I observed continual changes in the speed limit. The overhead gantry signs changed, as I got nearer to London, from 70 to 60, to 50, then back to 60, then back to 50, then hooray 70 again, before abruptly changing to 60, 50, and then 40. Once inside the London ring road, the M25, even though the traffic volume had barely changed, we were back up to 70 again. There were no roadworks, traffic was moderate and the weather was clear all the way down. There were no protestors in the middle of the road and no accidents. So why the constant changes in speed limit? Well, it’s obvious really. Caesar was exerting his control.

Of course I cannot evidence this in any way, and if it were a one-off event I would take no notice, but everywhere you go now there seems to be someone saying, do this, don’t do that, say this, you can’t say that. Every time I get the train into London my ears are assaulted by endless repetitions of

“If you see anything suspicious please report it to British Transport Police on 61016. See it. Say it. Sorted.”

Insult is added to injury, if these journeys are taken on a hot day, by regular reminders to carry a bottle of water with me. As a grown adult I don’t need any of this, and nor does anyone else. It is not assistance, or support, it is control. Constant reminders about what do if you spot something suspicious only makes people suspicious! It is no wonder that people’s anxiety levels are through the roof.

This increasingly stifling blanket of control, cunningly mis-represented as a framework of support, continues to expand, but many people don’t see it, or don’t care, because they believe they are being offered many more opportunities to exercise their freedom, so a few rules here and there, for safety of course, don’t matter. But the key word here is ‘believe’ because although it is definitely true that I can, right now, book a flight and accommodation to almost anywhere in the world, be there within 24 hours, and then earn money while I am sitting on the beach or in a cafe, no one stops to ask if this so-called freedom is any good? I mean, just because I can do something, it doesn’t mean I should…

This is the dilemma – or should it be trilemma – that the modern world faces. There are all sorts of things we might want to do, but the truth is that there is an increasingly oppressive force at work nudging, pointing, subtly controlling and directing those choices. It is as if people are wandering through a forest, marvelling at the availability of a hundred different pathways, without ever considering why they are in the forest in the first place.

But the exercise of our own will – doing whatever we like – is not always such a clever move either. Firstly, we wrongly believe that our choices are freely made, whereas all we are really doing is choosing from a menu that has been formulated by others. Second we fail to recognise that so many of the choices we make are in fact simply reactions, rebellions, against what someone else wants us to do, and the truth here is that many of us, even in our later years, run our entire lives this way, not by making active choices FOR something or someone, but AGAINST something or someone else. To be driven by what we don’t want generates bad, bad energy.

In essence then, our so-called Free Will, as well as being an exercise in selfishness, is often only a series of opportunities to get things wrong. Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that, but it will be like that so long as Caesar rules, and we remain distant from the Divine. We want to do A, we are told we must do B instead, but in reality we ought to do C…

A life run according to Free Will, doing whatever you fancy, as the mood takes you, will be a disastrous life, one that will eventually be the cause of great regret. I cannot evidence this number but I will make the claim anyway; I reckon 40-45% of people live like this. This is alongside another 40%-45% of people who live according to Caesars Will, who simply do as they are told.

But consider this. If a life run by Free Will is bad, then a life run according to Caesar’s Will is far worse. Doing as you are told by the powerful has been the bane of human existence since Day One, and the power of Caesar is not lessening, it is increasing. Anywhere you have accumulations of power you also have Caesar, and then you have tyranny. The growth in the scope and size of government is the most obvious example of this, though corporate power is certainly no better. The current arrangement – a fusion of corporate and government power – is the most toxic of all, and this – super important point – is a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM. Edicts from corporations and governments, no matter how seemingly well-intentioned, are always bad because they undermine the conscience. All governments and corporations are now anti-spiritual. Not just materialistic and unspiritual but actively dedicated to the destruction of humanity’s spiritual connection. There is no government and no corporation which is an exception from this. None. It is simply a matter of degree, where some governments and some corporations are worse than others. The story of our age is that an unholy alliance has been forged by governments and corporations across the world, aided and abetted by academia and the media, and embodied in organisations like the World Economic Forum, which actively seeks to remake society on a purely materialistic, anti-spiritual basis. This threat from Caesar is existential. His end goal is not political or economic power, or even financial wealth, but spiritual corruption.

However, the answer to this demonic alliance of state and corporate power is not to exert your own Will. When you are constantly being told what to do the answer is not to be found simply by doing whatever you fancy. The answer is to seek out the Third Will, the Divine Will. Caesar will not be defeated by millions of people refusing to conform just so that they can carry on doing whatever the hell they like. That was the problem during Covid and it didn’t work for the simple reason that so long as your dissent remains uninformed by the Divine then Caesar can harvest it. Caesar will only be defeated by the few people who are able to hear and enact the Divine Will, the small percentage who are willing to abandon what they want in favour of doing what they should. In short, Caesar will only be defeated by sacrifice.

Discerning what you should be doing is what gives life meaning. Looking upward, toward the Divine, and enquiring, either through cards, numbers, planets, meditation, ritual or prayer, what you SHOULD be doing is where the action is and is only thing that will bring improvement. But there’s a catch, because what you should be doing and what you want to do might not be the same thing! What God wants for you might not be what you want for yourself! But if this is the case then it isn’t God who is wrong, but you.

Stepping out from under Caesar’s control mechanisms is important, but it is only one step. Freeing yourself from egoic fantasies is another. It is hard to break out of the childish mindset which screams “I can do whatever I like, and be whoever I want to be”, and every day you can see grown adults still imprisoned by this limited thinking. But the reality is that neither doing as you are told by Caesar, nor doing whatever the hell you fancy are ever going to bring the happiness that you seek. Sooner or later we will all have to stop, listen hard and discern a different voice, the voice of conscience, which will tell us what we should do. For some of us this happened during the Covid lockdowns, but you can be sure that there will be further opportunities to take stock, for this is the work of our age, and everybody, sooner or later, will be given the chance to get involved in it. In the competition between the Voice of Self, the Voice of Caesar and the Voice of God, God is currently barely getting a look in. But it’s not even half time yet, and Caesar has over-reached, gone too far. There remains everything to play for, but the match will not be won until the idea of doing whatever the hell you want is consigned, like a million other bankrupt ideas before it, to the dustbin of history.