Richard Abbot

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Sameness and Uniqueness

There is no one else quite like you.

This becomes clear if you examine yourself in the mirror for five seconds. There is no one else on the planet who has the same eyes, skin, hair, teeth or fingerprints as you. There is no one else with the same smile, the same laugh, the same body shape as you. Sure, there are plenty of people who are similar, but you could travel three times around the world before you would find anyone else exactly the same. Even so-called identical twins are different, albeit in the smallest of ways.

But small differences are not trivial, because the uniqueness of human beings does not end at our physical bodies. Our emotional and mental states vary too. Anything that happens in our world generates different feelings, and different thoughts, depending on the individual. Astrology, numerology and palmistry all confirm that the human experience is unique to each individual. No two people will ever see the same situation in precisely the same way.

None of this ought to be controversial, but a great con trick has been pulled in recent times. The powerful have conspired in an unholy alliance with the fearful to convince you that differences are the problem and sameness is the solution. Increasingly, anyone who behaves, looks, feels or thinks differently to the accepted norm is cancelled, shamed, or diagnosed, in order to be treated and ‘corrected’. The fearful and the powerful both love to identify difference and call it bad…

The reality that everyone is different – physically, emotional, mentally, spiritually – and that this is a good thing because it is for a reason, so that individual contributions can be made to the world. This uniqueness of human beings is a direct manifestation of God and is what fuels the engine of society. But the powerful and the fearful want to stop that engine, to replace human uniqueness with robotic compliance, and with drones – mechanical and biological – so as to install their new religion, the Cult of Sameness.

To do this they have steadily undermined academia in order to advance their ideas. At the simplest level they promote the need for all humans to have X amount of hours sleep, or eat Y number of calories, or walk Z number of steps every day, completely ignoring the reality that this will not work for everyone, because everyone is different. In recent times the media have been brought into the deceit and enthusiastically push the line that there is really only one set of views that are acceptable in their new society and that those who think differently must be cancelled. This is done under the banner of collective wellbeing of course, all the while ignoring the fact that there can be no collective worth a damn unless it is composed of unique individuals, each with their own opinions, talents and abilities, sharing, co-operating and gaining from each other’s differences. Diversity is meaningless unless it includes diversity of thought.

But the experience of uniqueness goes way beyond human beings, and extends through nature, into the very fabric of life itself.

Every moment is different. 2:02 PM is different from 2:01 PM, if you are aware enough to notice it. As 2:01PM on Monday 11th January 2020 passes, so the uniqueness and possibilities of that moment also pass, never to return. This is true even if you spend that moment in repetitive and tedious work. In fact, if you have ever done seriously repetitive or tedious work then you will know that the passage of moments, and the discovery of the uniqueness contained within them, is the only thing that keeps you going.

But it does not stop there. Not only is every moment in time unique, but so is every place. Every village, town, city and country has its own unique energy signature and contributes something different to the world. Every street, building, garden and open space has its own unique vibration, which can be easily noticed if you take the trouble to tune in. Even if you are crammed into a space with other people then every space within that space is unique. If you are waiting for a train then the quality of your experience varies whether you stand at the front or the back of the platform. And I do not just mean in determining whether you get a seat or not! It is a matter of awareness.

Every person, place and moment is therefore an explosion of uniqueness, never to occur in quite the same way ever again. It is Monday again, we say. Its January, again. It’s lockdown, again. Yet, it is not right to say AGAIN, for each time it is different.

“You cannot set foot in the same river twice” Heraclitus

Uniqueness is baked into our world, as a fundamental attribute of God, yet many people are keen to replace this with the Cult of Sameness. Their chief argument in favour of the new system is that it will enhance equality. And who doesn’t want equality? Except that the only way to achieve equality is by enforcing sameness. Enforced mask wearing and blanket lockdowns are prime examples of this, fear-based policies built on a failure to recognise that the virus does not affect everyone equally, and that not everyone has an equal chance of catching it. Why? Because of the uniqueness of people, place and time.

To really think about these things in any depth might be challenging, and if you go far enough, somewhat discomforting. Yet it is worthwhile, because all experiences of uniqueness are liberating in ways that the Cult of Sameness will never be. The Cult of Sameness may provide safety, but it will never provide happiness. Happiness – by which I mean deep, lasting fulfilment, contentment and peace of mind - can only be found by those who discover and embrace their uniqueness.

Unfortunately, the Cult of Sameness, right now, has the upper hand, and is intent on installing a system where everyone must be treated the same, in order for everyone to get the same outcome and ‘enjoy’ the same experience. Except there will not be much enjoyment, including for the cheerleaders of this new movement. Such people will soon be advocating for the old concept of re-education, where ‘deviant’ thoughts and activities are ‘corrected’ for the good of the whole. Cancellation of ‘problematic opinions’ will intensify, while those doing the cancelling will wonder why society stagnates and the flow of inventions and discoveries dries up. (Answer: because inventions, discoveries and solutions come from people who think differently, and problems cannot be solved by the same level of consciousness that created them). The set-them-up-knock-them-down attitude to celebrity will intensify (because deviants must be made examples of) while talk of the collective and the common good will grow louder and louder and louder. Many will get off on this, but – and you can take this prediction to the bank – the Cult of Sameness will not produce one ounce of happiness.

Uniqueness – differences between people, places and moments – is hard-wired into our very existence, and every second that it is denied the Soul cries out, screaming for a chance to do its own thing, in its own way, so as to make space and create opportunity for other souls to do their version of the same. The Cult of Sameness will be – already is – deeply oppressive and authoritarian, but it will cause, eventually, a Rebellion of Souls, when people realise how very wrong things have gone. As these people start to appear you will notice them very quickly, because their uniqueness will make them shine. There are already some of these people, though not yet nearly enough. The question is, would you like to become one of them? If so, let me know…

To embrace the reality of uniqueness, as well as experience its joys, you must be willing to go against the fashions of the day. This means thinking uncomfortable thoughts and challenging conventional wisdom. This is important, because when it comes to spiritual development it matters what you believe, for beliefs are, in many cases, iron bars across the path of progress.

Experiencing uniqueness is not about rampant individualism or selfishness. Instead, what it is really about is being free of fear. What is the greatest fear that people have? The fear of not being good enough? The fear of failure? No. It is the fear of success and the fear that they are more powerful, more capable, and potentially more useful than they have been told.

But the Cult of Sameness despises uniqueness, instead insisting that everyone be dragged down to the lowest common denominator. One of its early prophets was Karl Marx, who planted the seeds of one of the most anti-spiritual and anti-human belief systems of all time, communism. Communism, an increasingly popular ideology, is a toxic, fear-based doctrine which has caused untold damage to the human spirit. I make no apology for saying this, and for wishing it to be consigned to the rubbish bin of history because everywhere it appears it promotes suspicion and conflict, stripping the goodwill out of every human interaction. But even that is not the worst thing about it. The evil at very heart of communism is that it replaces God with committee. Its language is that of unity, but its actions are always tyrannical.

Now, it is quite plausible to claim that politics, full stop, is the problem. Certainly, the politics of the right have proven themselves, especially in the 20th century, to have their own special form of toxicity. But hypocritical outrage about right wing marauders is hard to take seriously when across the world governments of all stripes are enacting communist-style policies. There is nothing high vibrational about communism, because wherever it is practiced it bars spiritual progress by making everything about the earthly conflict between classes and tribes. Ever wondered why everything is so political now? Because it serves the needs of the revolution to divide people against each other. Communism requires, needs and cannot live without, conflict. So, wherever there is peace communism must create war, in order to justify itself. Why does this matter? Because those who invest time and energy in the politics of suspicion will never hear the Voice of Guidance or be able to discern the Will of God.

Communism 2.0, rebooted for our Age of Woke, is wrapped in much prettier packaging of course. It looks nothing like the grey concrete of the old Soviet Union. But it is the same old anti-spiritual doctrine of grievance that it ever was, dedicated to rubbing out individual talent and extinguishing the life of individual Souls. My objections to communism are not humanitarian, economic or political, though it should never be forgotten that communism always produces death, misery, poverty and hunger wherever it goes. My objections are spiritual. Why? Because I was a communist! I know that communists believe in one thing and one thing only – power. I know communism when I see it and when the government pays your wages, tells you where you can go, who you can see and what you can watch or read then you are well on the way to its installation. The fact that censorship is, in fact, being carried out by Big Tech corporations rather than governments is a distinction without a difference. Communism, in the Age of Woke, is not about being nice to people, helping the weak or empowering the oppressed. It’s about making sure that YOU kneel before those who seize power. And if things advance much further in this direction then kneel you will. I just hope, for the sake of your own karma, that you think twice before you do this, because those who kneel before another lock the doors to their spiritual progress tight shut.

Communism is toxic because it disconnects people from their roots and throws them off centre, insisting instead that the only way to navigate life is via the collective. But under communism the collective is whatever the powerful and the fearful say that it is.

People fall under the spell of communism because they want to be heard. Dignity, quite rightly, is what they seek. But equality communist-style does not provide that dignity. Equality, via communism, is only a way for the revolutionaries to take power under the banner of helping the people. But all the while the so-called help that it provides involves an ever narrowing of viewpoints and endless restrictions on what you can and cannot say.

The Cult of Sameness, via methods such as communism, promises heaven on earth just as soon as everyone can be made to think the same way. Yet as our society will slowly discover, the result of this will be misery upon misery. It is unfortunate that we seem intent on learning this the hard way, but so be it. But be under no illusion - what is taking place before your very eyes is the installation of communism. Once we are in a situation where you are guilty until proven innocent, and can only go about your business with the express approval of the government then perhaps people will realise this. But in the meantime, for the sake of my own karma, I will play no part in this kind of society. If you feel a similar way then I hope you will join me over the coming months to explore a completely new (or should I say old?) spiritual endeavour, that places at its heart the First Face of God, Uniqueness, and rejects entirely all manifestations of the Cult of Sameness.

Uniqueness is the First Face of God because it is the First Key in the door to happiness and success on Planet Earth. It is a key that opens the door to greater perception and awareness. It is a key to manifestation and self-improvement. And it is a key to empathy and heightened intuition because unless you meet people at the level of their uniqueness you aren’t really meeting them at all.

Some will look at what is taking place in our world and conclude that the threat of communism is overstated, and that things will get back to normal soon enough, once the virus is eradicated. But the real virus – communism – has no known cure, and is incredibly contagious. Already, in these early days of its spread, ordinary people are getting arrested for the crime of walking down the street and Big Tech is engaged in mass digital book burning. These are not exaggerations or one-offs. This is just the start…

All this is directly relevant to people who want to spiritually develop because the Soul withers and dies under the Cult of Sameness. Attempts to equalise the human experience only ever result in harm to the Soul.

The Soul has no race, gender or class, and it wonders what the hell is going on when those under the spell of the Cult of Sameness engage in condemnation and cancellation just because some people want to think their own thoughts or do their own thing. The idea of forgiveness is so abhorrent to the followers of the Cult of Sameness because communism has always detested reality. It hates the fact that we are all children of God, and instead seeks to make us all children of government. Orange Man Trump and Bumbling Boris are side-shows, both used to rile people up and distract them from the fact that the powerful and fearful want to outlaw both God and the Soul. The arguments and division within our world seem political, but the truth is that they are spiritual.

There will be much more about this in my forthcoming book Soul Strong, and the doors to a new way of being will be opened soon…

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash