Richard Abbot

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Listen to me read this article. (12 mins) Richard Abbot

Every now and again people go mad. They abandon their conscience, let rip their emotions and fall under the spell of dark forces. The English Civil War. The French Revolution. The first two World Wars. The Soviet Revolution. Nazi Germany. Millions dead. Millions more traumatised. The pattern repeats, worse every time, and it is happening again now.

Dark forces have been gathering for years, weakening country after country, taking down people, one after another. The hysterical response to perfectly ordinary democratic elections in the UK and US in 2016 was driven by demons. The mass psychosis around Covid was, without doubt, demonically led, and in the Middle East, as well as elsewhere, demons are off the leash and running.

I say demons because the crises facing the world do not have a political, economic or social origin. There is no democratic solution to what we now face. The UN is not going to fix it. No amount of wealth transfer will solve it. The spread of ‘enlightened’ humanist ethics, free of the dogma of religion, won’t cut it either. We are dealing with stone-cold evil, born of a darkness deep in the human heart, and no ‘two-state solution’ will fix that. It is as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said,

“We have forgotten God. That is why all this has happened.”

But let’s be clear where the current problem lies.

It’s not the Palestinians.
It’s not the Israelis.
It’s Demons.

Demons are forces which feed on unbalanced energy. Though invisible, they are very real and we make a grave mistake by thinking of them in purely psychological terms. They thrive amid fanaticism and extremism. Anywhere there is unchecked emotion, absent of love, you will find demons. It is therefore clear to see that pretty much all sport and entertainment are demon-ridden, as are almost all protest movements, pretty much all of Hollywood and most of the media. The corridors of power are infested with demons, and demons long ago took up residence in 10 Downing Street, the Elysee Palace and the Whitehouse. Elected leaders are mere tenants, it’s the demons who are the real key-holders. In ordinary life demons rule those who won’t rule themselves. Anywhere you see constant rage or emotional instability then demons are never far behind.

Demons are tricksy though, and many naïve occultists, wiccans, shamans and spirit-hackers believe that they can conjure and control these forces, yet in almost all cases it is the demons who are controlling them.

Demons also thrive amid electricity and magnetism. If the bio-electricity and the magnetic fields generated by ordinary human activity are their bread and butter, then wi-fi in every home and a population who spends all their time on electrical devices is glorious to them.

There is no crystal, no symbol, no mantra, no mudra, no energy work, no healing, no spell that can tame the quantity of demons that are now loose in the world. Happy thoughts won’t do it either. After a lifetime of searching for remedies to this problem it is clear to me now that there is only one way to deal with this problem. Jesus Christ.

By Christ I mean the perfect pattern to which we can all aspire. I mean the healer, magician and teacher who studied at the feet of Vedic masters and who was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries. This is the Christ who both Judaism and Islam diminish, and who most Christians barely know. Christ, not the church. Christ, not religion. Christ, not vicars or priests. Christ, not scripture. The Living Christ, not the broken figure on the cross. Christ who belongs to no single religion but is the friend of everyone. Christ, the Lord of the Elements. Christ, the one from whom demons flee.

You can test the value of this for yourself by observing the reaction of people – as well as perhaps your own – to my utterance of his name. Why is there often such a strong negative reaction to it? The answer is, of course, demons.

Our world has become infested with demons. There is no other explanation for the absolute insanity which now grips us. Mental illness is everywhere to see. The meanest, cruelest and most petty behaviour is now commonplace. Human relationships have become transactional and hate and fear rule the hearts of huge numbers of people. Millions of people can barely make through it the day without some form of medication, be it drugs or alcohol, and love, tolerance and kindness are largely absent from the lives of millions more. These are not problems of late-stage capitalism. They are not the result of Tory rule. They are not the consequences of patriarchy. It is not even the fault of the Davos elite, because all of those things are, in turn, the result of demons. It is demons who caused the senseless slaughter of innocents by fanatics, and then it is demons who push people into extreme mental gymnastics in an attempt to justify one side or the other. Amid all the worlds madness we could easily hate people, but it is instead as Christ told us:

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 

Because it isn’t really people doing these terrible things. It is the demons who are running them, and it is the demons with whom we must fight. An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind. The problem isn’t those people, or those people. The problem is demons, the negative forces which take up home in the hearts of people who won’t, or can’t, emotionally self-regulate. Behind every human sits a demon, waiting, ready to nudge that person into saying or doing something that they know, deep down, they should not. Sadly, we have convinced ourselves that the only things that matter are the things we can see and touch, that we can evidence and explain. This has caused us to disregard what our ancestors knew all too well, that humans, until they take steps to the contrary, will always be led astray by demons. The world faces a spiritual crisis, which manifests as a climate crisis, a migrant crisis, economic crises, terrorist crises and political crises; but these are all symptoms not causes. The causes are demons.

So, repeat after me, this very short and simple Prayer of the Heart. Proven over many years, written about at length, its profound words change everything for the better, if you let them. The greater your conviction with this the more effective it will be. Repeat it regularly, many times a day, every day, and perhaps we can begin to cleanse this demon-haunted world.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

When you go to the gym leave your headphones at home. Switch off your favourite podcast. Turn off the radio and tv. Close down the device you are reading this on. And then recite the Prayer of the Heart.