Richard Abbot

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50 not out

I celebrated my 50th birthday last year, and am currently experiencing another important milestone, my Chiron Return. This occurs when the planet (that isn’t a planet) Chiron returns to the position it occupied at birth, bringing with it the opportunity for deep, inner transformation and healing. It takes fifty years to travel round the entire chart, so I probably won’t see another one, and that’s what makes it special. Of course, being aware of this sometime in advance I set things up so that I could max out this magical portal, and I am happy to report that so far it’s been a very rich and beneficial, though occasionally challenging, experience. I am already a different person to what I was even a year ago, so in light of this here’s some of the conclusions that I’ve come to, a list of things I know for sure. Not things that I suspect or believe, but insights I have gained from first-hand experience, have witnessed, survived or discovered. Put another way, these are insights about the world that I am happy to own, whether other people agree with them or not. I don’t require the approval of others, and people’s inability – or refusal – to hear what I am saying is not my problem, it is theirs. Similarly, when they turn away it is not my loss, but again theirs. And I really am fine with that, because there are so many other interesting things to think about. Here we go, enjoy!

Numbers are the source code of the universe, and planets, signs, houses as well as Tarot cards are its user interface.

Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. That which makes you, will, sooner or later, break you.

Everyone is different, but there is a deep-seated fear of that difference embedded inside each of us.

Democracy is theatre. Everything important is pre-agreed. As such there are no democratic solutions. That which bedevils humanity is spiritual, and spiritual problems require spiritual solutions.

Life gets better as you get older, but it also gets worse. Most people choose to see only one of these realities.

Past lives are real, and they rule us now, whether we are aware of them or not.

You cannot void your karma, it has to be worked through, piece by piece.

The options you have available today were determined by the choices you made yesterday. Want a better tomorrow? Then make different choices today.

When given the choice between a difficult truth and a comfortable lie, most people will seize upon the comfortable lie.

Every place on earth has its own energy and power, independent of the people who live there or who pass through it.

Humans are not very advanced, but we mistakenly believe that we are. This arrogance will be our undoing.

Most people believe that what matters to them also matters to others, but mostly it does not.

It can be as hard to be rich as it is to be poor. In some cases harder.

Happiness is a choice, but fulfilment takes work.

The biggest threat to life on earth is the worship of progress. There is no such thing as progress, only change.

Millions of people are born, live and die without the faintest idea of who they are, or the extent of their potential.

Truth exists, opinions fluctuate. There is no such thing as your truth. There is the truth and your opinion.

Everyone thinks themselves the exception. They are not.

Much of what passes for healing and spiritual development is simply self-soothing.

Most people are oppressed, by themselves.

The gender pay gap exists, because of the choices (conscious and unconscious) that people make.

Males and females possess magical polarity, and as each becomes more like the other that magic is lost.

Women are both better and worse than men. A female dominated world will be heaven one minute and hell the next, in more intense ways than would ever be the case under men.

Illness and pain begin as a spiritual misalignment.

The mind is extraordinary powerful, and its correct use can determine your experience of reality.

Climate change is happening, just not in the way Saint Greta of Thunberg tells us.

Much of history is a lie, distorted to serve the prevailing power agenda. One of the blessings of being alive right now is that we get to watch those distortions being manufactured in real-time.

The Age of Aquarius is a Dark Age, not an age of light. The New Age was a con.

Things aren’t what they used to be, but they never were.

It really matters what you believe about yourself, others and the world. Inability to heal or move forward is a function of wrong beliefs.

Christ is real, just not in the way the church tell us. Magic is also real, and these two things are perfectly compatible.

The truth sets you free, but first it makes you miserable. If you are unwilling to face your own misery then you will never be free.

Everyone can do something meaningful, in their own unique way.

Thoughts can be limiting. Words more so.

And finally, most human activity is meaningless and can be safely ignored.

Perhaps another day I’ll write a list of things that I don’t know, questions that remain unanswered. But for now, feel free to let everyone know what you have learned, what you know for sure, in the comments below. In the meantime I’ll get busy over here moving onto a new chapter of my life.